One Day
/One day your eyes will open,
your heart will melt,
and you will know,
for the first time,
what you have always known:
the trees breath for you,
the ground offers itself to you,
the clouds shed
their lonely tears for you,
and heaven opens up for you
calling out your name.
One day your eyes will open,
your heart will melt,
and you will know
you are not a lost child,
you were never abandoned
by love, and that you,
the one and only you,
the never before
and never again you,
has touched life so deeply
that life now longs
to open your eyes,
to melt your heart,
and to give itself
over to you,
What opens your eyes and melts your heart?
Writing prompt: when my eyes opened and my heart melted, I...
© Nick LeForce
All Rights Reserved
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