Dear Longing

Dear Longing

Longing is a deep and abiding desire for some thing or someone in life. Although many people find this feeling frustrating, it is actually one of the most beautiful and most universal feelings. It is what drives us on through thick and thin, what gives us purpose in and feeds our passion. It is what binds us our hearts together in a deep sense of “belonging” to each other. What or whom do you long for in life? To what or to whom do you belong?

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I have a strange mix of deep trust in life and general skepticism. I am overly trusting with business assuming that we will work together with positive intention and keep each other’s best interests in mind. I have been burned a few times by this approach. Still, I keep trust as a travel companion and this poem explains why. What is your relationship, in general, to trust? Do you consider yourself a trusting person or not?

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