Let The World Wait
/Start here.
Make a home
in this moment.
Dwell in the temple
where prayer
is a heart beat
and breath
an answer.
Be sensible:
Let tongue,
nose, eyes,
ears, and skin
receive the world,
collecting, collating,
and curating life
as you know it.
But, also, be senseless.
Unname everything.
See the litter
strewn around you
as a mosaic of
each thing pleading
for attention,
wanting to be called
back to life.
For now,
let them have
their place,
even though
they whimper
like a dog
that cannot bear
being ignored.
Drop the impulse
to wait on the world
and, for now,
let the world
wait on you.
My writing often starts with sensory attention to the immediate world. I sometimes look around my house and see things in and out of place, reminders of projects in process, of a duty that needs doing, of an item needing care, repair, or one best discarded. And it is easy to fall prey to the demand of things and wait on the world. But it doesn't have to be that way!
What if you dropped the struggle to shape your life
and let the world wait for you?
© Nick LeForce
All Rights Reserved