Being Touched

Being Touched

Almost everyone has been reduced to tears by a scene in a movie, by a gesture from a loved one, by a comment from a friend, by the unconditional love of a pet, by a courageous act despite the odds, and the list goes on. There is perhaps nothing more beautiful in life than when someone or something touches you, not physically, but at your core; touches the essence of you.

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Light is the one thing that cannot see itself because it is always traveling ahead of its own reflection, always pushing the edge, always transforming beyond into the moment. As spirit, you are made of light, and you can never truly know yourself because all reflection is outdated. Reflection is not just looking back or in, it is also in habits of thought and action that arise out of old ways and do not emerge out of the interaction of self and life in the moment.

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Read This

Read This

How do you greet the moments of your life? 
I have a practice of writing letters to my future self. Usually, I pick a date on my calendar and use the particulars of that date to write a general letter to myself so that the content could apply no matter what might be happening then. I decided to write a "letter to now,” one that might be read anytime. This is the result...

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