If you wish to attend the read around (t’s free, fun, a great way to share, and reading a poem is optional). Note: If you registered already, you do not need to register again, simply use the link sent to you in your confirmation email. Register Here:

No Read Arounds for the next two weeks.
Next Read-Around is 11/21/24 at 5:00 PM PST

How It Works:

  1. Read the poem 

  2. Do your own reflection on it, noting what it inspires in you

  3. Feel free to use your own reflection as your prompt or…

  4. Use the selection of prompts below

  5. Pick one that inspires you and write (feel free to use only one or write several poems using different prompts) or…

  6. Don’t use any of the provided prompts and follow your inspiration from wherever it comes

My Thoughts

Note: I will be away for the next two Thursdays. The next read around will be on on November 21, 2024. In the interim, may the muse be with you!

om Djinns and mischievous spirits of Halloween last week to angels of love this week. Make what you will of it! I will be travelling over the next two weeks. So, I’ll take a break from the weekly read-arounds. Find whatever inspiration you might in the poem, No Defense, which is included in my book: The Undiscovered Country, How to Live In Your Own Heartland. It is both a book of poetry and a workbook with lots of questions to ponder and writing prompts(!) to keep you inspired. It is available on Amazon:

No Defense 

The fool in me lives on the edge of falling
and easily becomes the shape of all things
in the landscape of love.

With this gift of entering,
of shapeshifting into the world,
I feel the preciousness of our struggle
to be human as we divine our way
through our lives.

How many times must I die and be born
before I embrace my own nakedness?

That I have no defense against life,
that I cannot stop the tidal wave
from drowning us all or prevent
my wingless heart from flying to you.

If I could trace it all back to the source,
before the first birth, or find my way
beyond the last death, would I then
disappear from the mirror?

Or would the mirror disappear
and I would, at last, see
the strange angel who
has loved me through it all?

Nick LeForce