

Light is the one thing that cannot see itself because it is always traveling ahead of its own reflection, always pushing the edge, always transforming beyond into the moment. As spirit, you are made of light, and you can never truly know yourself because all reflection is outdated. Reflection is not just looking back or in, it is also in habits of thought and action that arise out of old ways and do not emerge out of the interaction of self and life in the moment.

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The Myth of Self-Mastery

The Myth of Self-Mastery

It is often said that the one thing you can control is yourself. Actually, this may be an exaggeration that promotes the illusory goal of self-mastery. I suggest changing the focus from self-mastery to self-mystery. Self-mastery implies a relationship of dominance over oneself in which we batter or coax our “self” into submission.  Self-mystery opens us to a genuine relationship with our Self, one in which we are never alone and can co-create an amazing life.

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Who Are You?

Who Are You?

Who are you? What if your “self” was only a set of altered memories, a mishmash of beliefs and values, a collection of filtered perceptions curated out of a much, much greater whole? In this view, what we consider as our “self” is a deeply ingrained habit, or more precisely, a collection of habitual ways of perceiving, thinking, feeling, acting and responding. You could say we are "self-addicted?" This makes me wonder who I might become if if I broke my addiction to my current "self?"

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