Widen My Gaze

Widen My Gaze

It is so easy for us to habituate to our world, to stop noticing the intimacy of life and things and even activity around us. This excerpt from my Daily Intent writing session reminds me to widen my gaze and reacquaint myself with my world. I am always surprised at the richness and fullness of my life when I take the time to notice. What beauty, what gift, do you miss in the world around you as you narrow your gaze to an activity or destination?

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Ever-Present Intimacy

Ever-Present Intimacy

Something in me says, “Enough.” I slow my gait. I stop scanning for what is missing. I stop chasing after a changing horizon and the elusive freedom for which I have longed. Now, I walk on this earth, in this body. I let each footstep hit the ground, each inhale fill my lungs, each heartbeat warm my world...what happens for you when you return to yourself in the moment?

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Inching Closer

Inching Closer

Although I am not affiliated with any religion, my writing often takes on heavily spiritual themes and images. This excerpt from my daily intent writing session produced a cathedral as a metaphor for my future presence.  If your future were symbolized by a building or structure, what kind of building would it be? What goes on inside the structure? What life does it support or suggest?

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The Myth of Self-Mastery

The Myth of Self-Mastery

It is often said that the one thing you can control is yourself. Actually, this may be an exaggeration that promotes the illusory goal of self-mastery. I suggest changing the focus from self-mastery to self-mystery. Self-mastery implies a relationship of dominance over oneself in which we batter or coax our “self” into submission.  Self-mystery opens us to a genuine relationship with our Self, one in which we are never alone and can co-create an amazing life.

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