A Time For Thriving

A Time For Thriving

A letter to my future self arrived today reminding me to take time this labor day to honor the work I give out to the world and the home to which I return. Here's an excerpt: Time does not care about the speed at which you live. It offers itself in its entirety no matter how quickly you might try to escape what was, how firmly you might try to clamp down what is, or how vigorously you might try to capture what will be. Let your antsy mind run on its own track while your spirit follows the true rhythm of your life, which always supports your thriving.

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Who Are You?

Who Are You?

Who are you? What if your “self” was only a set of altered memories, a mishmash of beliefs and values, a collection of filtered perceptions curated out of a much, much greater whole? In this view, what we consider as our “self” is a deeply ingrained habit, or more precisely, a collection of habitual ways of perceiving, thinking, feeling, acting and responding. You could say we are "self-addicted?" This makes me wonder who I might become if if I broke my addiction to my current "self?"

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