Life At Our Fingertips

Life At Our Fingertips

Do you have the Midas Touch? The Phrygian King Midas' was obsessed with gaining immeasurable wealth. His wish for a golden touch was granted and everything he touched turned to gold. The tale goes on to say that he died of starvation because even his food, and, sadly, his own daughter, were turned to gold by his touch. It is a cautionary tale about our current obsession with personal wealth. This poem, Life At Our Fingertips, celebrates another kind of gold that we can only find by living a soulful life. 

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I Can't...But I Can

I Can't...But I Can

We all long to be "seen," to be beheld by another with accepting eyes, by one who "stands in the face of our suffering and still sees our beauty;" and who can "witness our weakness and still see our strength."  I don't always achieve it, but I get glimpses of the possibility, especially when teaching and reciting poetry. Every time, I feel the transformative nature of simply being seen and the healing power of an accepting heart. 

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