The First Humans
/We could be the first humans,
walking bewildered on the earth,
because we are still learning
how to love.
We answer the lingering heartache
in us by offering to others what we,
ourselves, have always desired.
This emptiness is not our loss
but our canvas for creation,
our opening to the bounty of life
where magic hangs in the air
like a ripe promise
ready to be plucked
from the tree of life.
Photo of poster announcing a show at the Brisbane Museum, with glass reflecting the city surroundings taken in Brisbane, Australia in 2014
© Nick LeForce
All Rights Reserved.
All great spiritual traditions reflect some form of the golden rule, to do to others as you would like done to you. This truth applies to our deepest desire, to that which we most cherish, and which we so often feel is lacking in our lives. The trick is to discover the hidden gem behind the surface form within which we embed our desire. This means going beyond a thing to the core state we believe that thing would give us: behind the drive to accumulate wealth may be a deep desire for security or peace; behind the desire for sex may be the be a deep desire for union or oneness.
What do you chase after in life?
What is the deep desire behind the form it takes?
Please share your thoughts and comments below.