A Cup Of Everyday Life

A Cup Of Everyday Life

The sense of ownership -- this is "my cup," or I have "this habit" -- creates a kind of attachment, a closeness to our "selves," that we often take for granted, just as we do with loved ones, and do not notice how the relationship serves us or what role it may have in our life. I've been pondering the relationship between ownership, belonging, and responsibility. What do you think? Are these maters related, and if so, how?

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I am an optimist, and I generally look on the bright side of life. I am also keenly aware that my life is nested in greater forces and that I am, to a large degree, dependent on them and must adapt and respond to them. I have found reverence to be one of the most powerful states to engage with life. It helps me to stay in balance and to keep things in perspective, both when things do or do not go my way. What practice, attitude, or method do you use to keep yourself in balance in life? What do you believe is the proper relationship with life? With the world? With others?

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Is Privacy Possible?

Is Privacy Possible?

I Love free-form writing, which is an exercise in self-awareness, a revelation of my unconscious worries and wisdom. This was seeded by the line: "Notes From An Anonymous World." It was likely spurred from being the victim of fraud recently, requiring that I close my primary checking account. I am still dealing with the repercussions after a month. What is your take on privacy in the modern world? How vulnerable do you feel to intrusion? What do you do to protect yourself?

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Devilish Delight

Devilish Delight

Most of us think we are shaping our future. Could it be the other way around? What if a future you, an elevated and expanded version of your "self," was subtly shaping your present? The power of the future self can override your past programming if you allow it. How do you see your future self? In what way is your future self taunting you, teasing you out, and orchestrating your next evolutionary step?

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