The Real Question

The Real Question

Imagery provides a powerful prompt for writing. This story moment started as a "daily intent" but quickly evolved into a scene of a soldier called before his superior to report "off the record" about something. Even as I wrote it, I sensed the "superior" could be God or some higher being to which the soldier could "confess." If you were granted an audience with your "superior," what would you say? What would you say is key to trusting life?

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Wednesday's Child

Wednesday's Child

Wednesday’s child, says the nursery rhyme, is full of woe. But we got it wrong. It is the sound of the word, and not the sense, that is Wednesday’s gift. Whoa is the sound we use to say, “slow down.” What do you notice when you use Wednesday to slow down, to take stock of where you are at in your week (and your life), and to reconnect with yourself and your true priorities?

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Your Love

Your Love

You are absolutely unique. There never has been, nor ever will be another you. Your unique genetic make-up along with every single experience of your lifetime, each from the unique viewpoint of time and space that only you occupy, combine to make up a singular and peculiar personal landscape that is uniquely yours. Do you believe that you, in your uniqueness, are lovable?

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