The Workplace As Playground


Put these two words side by side: Play & Work. Which one feels lighter, which heavier? Which one looks darker, which brighter? Play for most of us is associated with childhood, fun, fantasy, and trivial pursuits while work is associated with adulthood, seriousness, reality, and important pursuits. Play is something you get to do and work is something you have to do. 

Join Nick LeForce and Larry Dillenbeck for another Creative Collaboration Webversation to explore how playfulness can enhance your ability to learn and to get the job done while enjoying the journey along the way. 

Working In The Playground
Playing In The Workplace
January 30th at 7PM PST
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Yet most of our adult lives are devoted to “work” where we are challenged to keep up with the ever-changing work environment, with the evolution of technology,  with products and service innovations, etc. and we are expected to be in a state of constant learning in order to adapt to these changes. Lifelong learning is the critical ingredient to success in modern world.  

Learning and play come naturally to us as children. In fact, research now suggest that learning though play is one of the fastest, easiest, and most effective way to learn. What might happen if we could bring more playfulness into our work world both to learn and to increase our satisfaction with our jobs. Think of a group of children engaged in play — time stops, creativity flows, effort transforms into effortlessness. Imagine what it would be like if you and the members of your “work” group flowed with joy, lightheartedness and camaraderie.  Wouldn’t it be delightful to work on play while you play at work?