I Like It
/My brother once made a comment about the metaphoric quality of my poetry, “I wish I understood it.” I replied, “It would be even better if I did.” We got a good laugh out of this. I was reminded of this exchange yesterday when a dear friend of mine made a confession about her experience of my poetry: "I don't understand it, but I like it.” I have recently been asking people for feedback about my poetry and how it affects them in an effort to uncover what kind of service I am actually offering and what results people get through reading or hearing my poetry. How about you? How does my poetry and my work impact you? What changes does it allow or create for you?
Please share you comments below
and, if it is OK for me to quote you,
leave your name and the city in which you live.
Perhaps poetry is like a sunset: You don't have to understand it to like it!