Befriending Wisdom
/Be thankful when you have occasion to come across one of the deeper truths in life. But remember that deep truths will often hold their tongue until they know they can trust you. You may have to revisit them, over and over again, with genuine curiosity before they will reveal their fullness to you. You may have to take them out for a walk, hang out with them on a Saturday afternoon shooting the breeze, or share them with your friends and entertain their opinions. You may have to challenge them to learn what they are really about and to feel and find their edges and limits.
But one day, with patience and genuine concern, you will find them waiting for you because they have learned that you are serious. They will take you to the chamber of secrets where all truths are kept. They will give you access to their lineage and links to other truths that you can get to know and learn to love. Together, they will teach how to live with heart, how to embrace yourself, how to find kinship with others, and how to welcome what life offers wholeheartedly and face what it delivers with equanimity and grace.
What if you could make a practice of befriending wisdom?
Sunrise at the temle of isis in egypt
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