Writing From The Inside Out

We are living in unprecedented times. After the pandemic stopped the world, we have begun to make our first tentative steps toward reopening our economies and restoring out lives. This means facing the consequences of personal, emotional, and financial devastation in our lives and the lives of those we love. Now, more than ever, we need practices that can sustain us, that can help us gain perspective, and give us strength to move forward.  

One of the most powerful ways I know to process challenges and difficulties is through writing. Back by popular demand for round 3, I invite you to join me in "writing from the inside out." This round will be based on the four quadrants of the archetypal journey presented in my book, The Undiscovered Country: How to Live In Your Own Heartland. It is both a book poetry and a workbook with writing prompts to help you explore the world within you—your own undiscovered country.

I Can Only Imagine

I can only imagine what my stolen eyes
would see without artificial light. 

Or how wide a net my heart 
would cast for safety. 

But what mostly bends my knee 
is the extreme improbability of it all. 

So, I welcome the night 
as an open ear for prayer. 

I have two: one for the blessing of protection 
and another for the blessing of fortune. 

I’ve already painted my walls with answers 
while fasting in the desert of solitude. 

I’ve already unlearned
a catalogue of old ways. 

I’ve already transferred my shadow-crafts 
and shapeshifting skills into a worldly presence. 

Now, the whispered voice tells me to follow 
a greater calling than my own salvation. 

Upon returning, I never expected a red carpet 
or flowers to blossom under my feet; 

only to live in the heartland 
of my own undiscovered country 

and, now, to invite you to yours. 

Here's how it works:

1) Attend four Sunday morning 9 AM PST readings from the book (these will be recorded, so you do not have to attend to enjoy the class). These 1 hour sessions occur on June 7, 14, 21, and 28, 2020;

How To Live In Your Own Heartland
Every week on Sun, 4 occurrence(s)
Jun 7, 14, 21, 28, 2020 @ 09:00 AM PST

After registering, you will receive an email containing information about joining the meeting.

2) Receive a weekly email with poetry and writing prompts on four consecutive Mondays, June 8, 15, 22, and 29, 2020. You can use the prompts to stimulate your own exploration and poetic expression. Prompts will be based on the Sunday readings.

3) Attend the Friday, 4:00 PM "read-around" sessions, where you can read what you produced in a safe and supportive environment or simply join in to glean the poetic wisdom of others. These 90 minutes sessions run on June 12, 19, 26 and July 3, 2020.     

Read-Around Sessions
Time: Jun 12, 19, 26 & July 3, 2020 4:00 PM PST

After registering, you will receive an email containing information about joining the meeting.

It is totally free and a great way to do your own inner work with the virtual companionship of others. I hope you will join me!

The Undiscovered Country,
How To Live In Your Own Heart Land

is available on Amazon:

Here is an audio recital of the poem:

Bonus Writing Prompts Based on I Can Only Imagine:

  1. Free write from the stem sentence, “I can only imagine…”

  2. What might “stolen eyes” mean? Is it the narrator’s eyes that have been stolen or has the narrator stolen someone else's eyes? Write what you might see if you looked through stolen eyes from either or both of those perspectives.

  3. The poem refers to the heart “casting a net for safety.” Explore the idea of your heart casting a net: What does your heart cast a net for? Describe how the heart casts a net and what happens when it does. What else might get caught or tangled in the net?

  4. Free write from the stem sentence, “What mostly bends my knee is…”

  5. Write what you might speak into the “open ear of the night.” Write a poem as a prayer.

  6. Use the stem, “I’ve already…” as the opening words for several stanzas.

  7. What calling might a whispered voice be urging you to follow? You can use the stem, “Now a whispered voice calls me to…”

  8. On the classic ‘Hero’s Journey’ as described by Joseph Campbell, the hero typically returns to the “everyday world” changed in some way after completing the adventure. Think of some difficulty in your life that you overcame or some adventure that challenged you. How did that engagement with the world change you? What did you bring back from that encounter?


There will not be a read around meeting on June 5, 2020.
Round 3 formally starts on June 7 for the book reading.
The first prompt will be issued on June 8
and the first read-around will be on June 12.