How A Poem Impacted Memorial Day
/Although I have seen people wear red poppies around memorial day, I did not realize that the tradition started from a poem!
Read MoreAlthough I have seen people wear red poppies around memorial day, I did not realize that the tradition started from a poem!
Read MoreHappy Mother’s Day. My mother passed away in 2011 at age 82. I wrote this letter to my Mom on Mother’s Day, May 13, 2018 to be read today, Mother’s Day, May 12, 2019. If you were free to speak from the heart to your mother, what would you say to her or ask her? This is the beauty of writing: it gives you the freedom to say what you need to say or to imagine what is in the heart of another, even if the person is no longer with you.
Read MoreWhat if you were in conversation with yourself over time, a younger version of you speaking to an older version and vice versa? Pick a date in the future and write a letter to yourself and then calendar it to be read that day. What would you want to tell yourself? I have been writing letters to my future self for several years and this post is another in the series. Who knows what the world shall bring or what mix of choice and chance will shape the path between you and your future self. For me, I put my faith in the collective intelligence of a lifetime, in the wisdom within me to guide my choices; and in the hand of providence for the chance to live this miraculous life.
Read MoreWhat if there was another version of you that lives and loves freely? What if that other sent you messages, not through the normal carrier channels, but through another carrier that you can learn to tune into? And if you did, what message would that other Self send you?
The equinox is a time to recognize that we live in both the light and the dark and to remember to do our best to find the balance in ourselves and in our ives. One way to do so is to ponder soulful questions: What gives you fullness? Who tapers the hard edges of life? How do you shape your suffering into scrolls of wisdom? or What sweetens your pot of joys and adds spice to your life?
Read MoreWord the World in a way that brings you to life and life to you!
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