The Disease of Easy

The Disease of Easy

What most people call the "comfort zone" is not really comfortable. It is merely habitual, a kind of rut, that we repeat. Patterned behavior, or habits, can be life sustaining. But they can also limit us, turning us into robots and, often, victims of our patterns as well. Putting effort into breaking patterned behavior can be one of the most life enhancing acts and can give the unconscious both practice and permission to update old, limiting, and outdated patterns. 

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For All It's Worth

For All It's Worth

Sometimes, even in the middle of a busy day, something in the world catches my attention and shifts me back to myself. It may be the shape of a cloud, or tree leaves backlit by the sun, or a couple walking hand-in-hand, or a toddler in an awkward sprint.  If I stay with the feeling for just a few moments, something settles in me as if the world is enough in that moment. What moments cradle your soul? 

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The World Will Have Its Way

The World Will Have Its Way

I recently developed a map of the archetypal journey that integrates my work as a poet and my work in NLP and hypnotherapy. The map includes four major areas and tasks that we humans must complete to navigate each area. One task involves coming to terms with the greater forces of life. Wether it is "acts of God," or daily weather patterns; whether it is social and political upheaval or family disputes, we are all nested in forces and agents outside of ourselves. We are often carried along by these greater forces against our will. How do you relate to chance and circumstance?

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A Permit For Leisure

A Permit For Leisure

Western society is a culture of “doing.” Since idleness is perceived as laziness, we have little public authority to support leisure. Even our so called “time off” should be action-packed: “work hard, play hard.” We rarely allow ourselves true rest. Do you pack your “time off” with activity? Do you still feel the weight of the undone on your to-do list when you try to rest? When or under what circumstances do you allow yourself to truly rest?

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