Bear Your Self Graciously
/This is my meeting ground, the place where I come to train in the energetic arts with the hidden masters. Where do you go when you retreat into yourself? Do you have "hidden masters" that teach you?
Read MoreThis is my meeting ground, the place where I come to train in the energetic arts with the hidden masters. Where do you go when you retreat into yourself? Do you have "hidden masters" that teach you?
Read MoreI love those moments in life when I let go of my drive to get things done, when I take advantage of my time in exotic places, and simply enjoy the world as it is. I wrote this a while back and reviewed it today looking at the unpublished drafts on my blog. Even though I am in my familiar world here at my home, I liked the feeling that it gave me.
Read MoreToday, we sing our praises as the "land of the free and the home of the brave.” I wonder though, is any freedom granted from without meaningful if we are not free within? And vice versa, how can we exercise our inner freedom if our outer freedom is severely suppressed? This letter to my future self was written on November 9, 2016, after the unbelievable and shocking election of Donald Trump as the next president of the United States, and scheduled to be read on July 4, 2017.
Read MoreSometimes, I feel that my writing misses the mark and that my poetry is mediocre at best. Though I keep the anxiety at a distance, I fear my muse is gone. The art and practice of writing challenges me to keep an open channel for inspiration while also sticking to a discipline of writing whether or not I feel inspired. What practice do you do daily whether or not you "feel" like doing it?
Read MoreI have had lots of struggles with my body recently--back and knee pain and I broke my arm while traveling in Japan. It is now in brace. Increasing and constant pain in my back and body has really been a daily challenge in the past several months. I work through it as best I can...and this letter is a reminder that I can be complete no matter what the circumstances...What keeps you intact despite the challenges of life?
Read MoreWord the World in a way that brings you to life and life to you!
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